Voici un petit article (lien ce-dessous) qui explique pourquoi porter plusieurs couteaux peut dans certains cas, vous être utile.
There is a looming debate amongst the internet EDC crowd: Can one carry too many knives?
People who fall into this category will typically carry a small, medium, and large knife. Given the range of sizes, one would assume this person will encounter a range of tasks throughout their day.
But where minds are really getting blown is when people reveal that they're carrying 2 to 3 of the SAME SIZE knives!
Being a subjective question, there is really no “right” answer. However, we wanted to break down the different answers we tend to hear from the community, assigned to the different types of EDC sub groups they fall into.
-- La suite (en Anglais): https://gearfacts.com/2017/12/06/how-3-edc-knives-can-save-your-job-or-your-life/
Et vous, combien en portez-vous quotidiennement ?
Le 07 décembre 2017 à 12:00 |
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