Pour bien fêter la St Patrick, d'après EveyDayCarry.com :)
St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner, but you can't rely on pure luck when it comes to being prepared. Many people celebrate by wearing green, but why stop there when you can carry it, too? Green is a great color for EDC: you can choose to go with a darker olive drab for military and outdoors use, or a vibrant shade so you can easily spot it at the bottom of a pack. With spring on the way, it’s as good a time as any to take a look at your carry and add some handy essentials that’ll help you avoid those mischievous leprechauns.
-- http://everydaycarry.com/posts/12857/12-green-essentials-to-carry-this-st-patricks-day
Le 16 mars 2016 à 14:34 |
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