Décidément, KickStarter est une mine de découverte sans fond !
Finally a key organizer on Kickstarter that actually looks good and works the way it should without falling apart.
Keys are important. While the people and events in our lives “open up doors” for our future, keys literally do that. They actually open up doors. They start cars. They lock our houses and keep our loved ones safe. Every. Single. Day. But keys have a dark secret… They’re a pain. Literally. They’re pokey, they’re clumsy, and they’re falling out of favor.
-- Source et infos: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/liquidco/the-key-caddy-edc-key-holder-by-liquid-co
Le 18 décembre 2014 à 12:02 | Ajouter un commentaire
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